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Public interest in a sentence

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Sentence count:147+4Posted:2017-09-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: public international lawconflict of interestpublicitypublicisepublicizepublicizedinterestvested interest
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61 At present the Monopolies and Mergers Commission is charged with determining whether a proposed merger is contrary to the public interest.
62 Throughout the whole of competition policy there is a presumption that intervention is justified in order to preserve the public interest.
63 We encourage more use of radio in the public interest.
64 The organisation recommends that participating nations establish home offices to arouse public interest and collect contributions.
65 How strong then is the countervailing public interest arising here in favour of allowing C.N.L. to make use of these documents?
66 There is no wrong done if it is true,( or if it is fair comment on a matter of public interest.
67 Men are more interested in personal achievement and comfort than in the common good or public interestDr T.P.Chia 
68 After all, our public airwaves are being leased to them in the public interest.
69 Create a first-year elective course on social justice, including public interest law and race.
70 The May 13 gathering, disclosed in documents released by the White House Friday, drew swift condemnation from public interest groups.
71 The test is whether the public interest in disclosure outweighs the public interest in the preservation of confidence.
72 The primary aim of the central bank is to work closely with the government and so to operate in the public interest.
73 Seven sales by Christie's between 1860 and 1878 aroused great public interest.
74 Quite an impressive list, but marked by a complete absence of public interest considerations.
75 The judge rejected the argument that publication of the information in an article would be in the public interest.
76 The ebb and flow of controversy in television news items did not produce corresponding trends in public interest and discussion.
77 The real issue in the proceedings was the principle of public interest immunity.
78 This was not in the public interest. seconded the motion.
79 Here the significant factor may have been bureaucrats' tendency to rank personal pleasure above the public interest.
80 Restrictive practices Restrictive practices, in the form of formal agreements between firms,( are presumed to operate against the public interest.
81 Most people would agree though that there is evidence clearly inconsistent with some aspects of the public interest view.
82 An alternative course would be to introduce general legislation to protect the public interest when an essential service is threatened.
83 Perhaps, then, there is a public interest in curbing the study of economics.
84 Thus competition is singled out for the first time as the chosen mechanism for ensuring the public interest.
85 Can an ombudsman serve the public interest as opposed to the institutional interests of his paper?
86 The murder trial has excited a lot of public interest.
87 The role of Government should be to ensure that such pensions met sensible regulation so that the public interest was protected.
88 Some investigations conclude that on balance the existence of a large firm is actually in the public interest.
89 In short, therefore, public interest immunity arises as an issue ancillary to the implied undertaking.
90 We are entitled to ask who will look after the public interest and to consider the problems for individual travellers.
More similar words: public international lawconflict of interestpublicitypublicisepublicizepublicizedinterestvested interestin the interest ofinteresteddisinterestinterestinguninterestedinterest rateself-interestlose interestpublic addressin the public eyeinterestinglydisinterestedinterest groupuninterestingsimple interesthave interest incompound interestpublic-address systempublic address systemnominal interest ratespecial interest grouppublic policy
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